Um, how dare you say hot sauce is bengalicious? Are you appropriating your own culture? Your entire brand is a problematic microaggression, you’re a disgrace to all of Bengal.

Our products are bengalicious because they are a delicious thing, made and packaged by Bangladeshis using Bangladeshi ingredients, that can make so many of the things we eat in Bangladesh even more delicious. Non-Bangladeshi companies have been making Naga and Ghost pepper sauces for many years - if anything, we’re reappropriating our culture.

You’re so dumb, how do you explain having Feisty Tiger in Bangla on the label but no sections in Bangla on the website?

We’re still figuring it out because it’s hard. We need you to calm down now.

What can I use Feisty Tiger on?

ANYTHING! Remember - a little Feisty goes a long, long way (1 teaspoon of Original Hot = 1/2 teaspoon of Fruity Fire = a few drops of Spooky Lava).

Are your products gluten-free? Sugar free?

All our products are gluten-free with no added sugar. We do however use raw fruit vinegars in all our sauces, and actual fruit in Fruity Fire. If you’re low-carbing, none of our sauces will take you out of ketosis unless you chug a few bottles in one go (please, please don’t do that).

When does the sauce expire?

Real talk: it doesn’t - it’s acidic enough to last for years as long as you refrigerate your bottle after opening it. However, to err on the side of caution, we like to tell people it’s best to use within 6 months. If you’ve had your opened bottle of Feisty Tiger for longer than 6 months, please know that although we are deeply hurt you haven’t finished it yet, you do not have to throw it out. It hasn’t gone bad, keep it in the fridge, you wild child!

I’ve had too much Feisty Tiger and my entire being is on fire. What can I put on my tongue to make myself feel better?

Milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream made with cow’s milk. The casein in dairy products sciences with the capsaicin in chilies and tones down the heat. If you’re not used to eating spicy foods, we highly recommend eating lots of fiber to minimize “exit pain”.

I don’t live in Dhaka! How can I get me some Feisty Tiger?

Get in touch with us at; we’ll figure something out.